The pandemic has brought about many unprecedented changes. Everyone in the world has to adapt to the situation. Several lockdowns were imposed as a health and safety precaution measure. It meant that people had to adapt and change various areas in their lives, including their eating habits.
A survey says that 53% or more than half of Brits are now becoming more aware of the importance of eating healthily in the UK. Since the pandemic started, it’s clear that anything health-related is being given the spotlight.
This change in eating habits manifested with the changes in shopping habits for food following lockdown restrictions. According to a report, many people are cutting down their meat and dairy consumption as part of their regular meal plans,
Home Cooking Shoots Up
Due to being mandated to stay at home for quite a while, many are turning home cooking. It is the most practicable option since some food deliveries have been limited as well. In addition, having more time spent at home allows people to spend spare time in the kitchen cooking.
A report says that although many people are cooking their meals from scratch, certain groups are more inclined to eat fast food or use ready meals. There is still an evident shift in the behaviour of how we now prepare our meals.
Consumers Turn To Convenience
Reports also noted a distinct rise in convenient foods like frozen goods, tinned meals and dry ingredients, and ready meals. In addition, those restaurants that stayed open for takeaways have seen a consistent sales demand.
Older adults are observed as the group that didn’t go through changes even in lockdown. It seemed that men are still leaning toward their pre-existing eating habits. Among the 18-34 age group, there is a split between those taking the lockdown as an opportunity to cook, and the rest are convenience-seekers.
Keeping It Local
Along with the lockdown, restrictions came travel bans. It forced Brits to stay local as much as possible. It impacted retail markets and benefited from new and frequent shoppers with their increased basket sizes.
Bakeries and greengrocers have also seen a notable boost in sales since the lockdown started. Most Brits have started patronizing local products and have included them in their shopping and meal routines.
Ordering Online
Millions of consumers have adapted to the new convenient way to shop for food, and that is online. The growth in terms of online purchasing is evident. And this doesn’t just involve grocery shopping; acquiring food from your favourite restaurants online is another way the online channel is utilized.
With the pandemic forcing many businesses to diversify, restaurants have adapted ways to keep their service for the people. Offers for subscription boxes and scheduled deliveries emerged.
Sustainability Awareness
Another topic that delivered value during the lockdown season is sustainability. According to a report, 39% of Brits say that the lockdown has changed them to be sustainably aware, especially how they shop and consume their food.
Almost four out of ten Brits said they are more presumably using leftovers to make their new meals. Many people are also likely to use ingredients that almost go off for new recipes they want to try out. The lockdown has made the UK adopt more sustainable habits, and hopefully, it stays even post-lockdown.
If you don’t fancy cooking tonight, hit the app and order yourself a tasty takeaway