There are undoubtedly some of you that believe that kebabs are strictly reserved for the end of the night when alcohol has taken its toll and it is time to refuel – this could not be further from the truth. These dishes are incredibly succulent, and the meat that is used is always of the highest quality. This is not to mention the fact that they are often accompanied by excellent sauces and salads. Should you wish to learn a little more about this subject, all you need to do is heed the words of the ChefOnline team – you can find these listed conveniently below.
If you were to survey the most popular type of kebab in the world, you can be sure that the overwhelming majority of responses would come back in favour of the gyros. Originating in Greece, it has since become a firm favourite across the globe. This shredded meat is typically served in a wrap, and is topped off with a healthy serving of tzatziki – some would say that this is a match made in heaven.
Chicken Tikka
At first glance, it may not be immediately apparent that this is a type of kebab, but allow us to explain. Having been a mainstay in Indian cuisine for countless years, the chicken is cooked traditionally using an open-fire brazier, and this allows for the barbequed texture to occur on the exterior of the meat. The golden colour of it stems from the long marinating process that is used, and this allows for the entirety of the chicken to be incredibly flavoursome.
Going back to Greece, it is important to note that gyros are not the only kebab option available; souvlaki also has many suitors. What sets this dish apart from the others on this list is the fact that it also features vegetables, meaning that you can enjoy a combination of ingredients. This is an incredibly versatile course, with almost any meat being able to be utilised – regardless of whether it is chicken that you are a fan of, or are someone that prefers pork, you can be sure that you will finish eating beaming from ear-to-ear.
Shami Kebab
The shami kebab can be found across the Middle East and this is a testament to the popularity of the dish as a whole. The appearance is more that of a burger patty than a kebab, but this does not detract from the fact that the taste is nothing short of exquisite. Featuring a medley of chickpeas and spices, these slabs can make for an excellent appetiser, and get you ready for the meal that lies ahead. Although you can have a side salad as an accompaniment, many argue that in order to fully appreciate them, they should be left by themselves.
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When it comes to ordering food in the UK, it can sometimes be tricky to narrow it down to a single cuisine since there is a seemingly endless list of options to be chosen from. In these types of situations, it may be that it is worthwhile seeking advice from experts – this is where ChefOnline truly comes into its own. When you look at the number of restaurants that we are partnered with, it will quickly become apparent that our experience in this industry is, in a word, extensive. Are you contemplating putting an order in, but first want to bring something up with one of our representatives? If so, you have two options available – either write to us at [email protected] or give us a ring on 0330 380 1000.